Oleodynamic is a subcategory of fluidics that is related to mechanical engineering. Both ones deal with the study of energy transmission and the way in which mechanical power is moved and regulated through fluids under pressure (hydraulic oil).

Oleodynamic tubes can be rigid or flexible. In this second event, it is important to verify if the tube has to be installed next to heat sources because if it is the case, then the tube must be covered by sheaths to avoid damages on it. While rigid tubes are preferred when they must be installed near heat sources; flexible tubes are used in plants and in situations where there are several vibrations or moving parts. For what concerns materials, the most common ones are steel, especially galvanized steel, or rubber.

For the choice of the tube some factors must be considered: compatibility with the fluid to be used, temperatures, static/working pressure, validity/expiry of the tube (usually 5 years), pulsating pressure, tube bending, the right diameter of the tube and the relation between the speed fluid passage and the payload.

E’ fondamentale porre la giusta attenzione a questi parametri in quanto se il tubo che verrà, poi, installato non è quello corretto si potrebbero generare malfunzionamenti tali da compromettere la sicurezza dell’intero impianto.

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